“0919雪饼”被捕事件综述(不断更新) An Overview of  "0919 Huang&Wang" case, English version avaiable

本文为“0919雪饼”被捕事件之综述,系统性讲述“雪饼”(黄雪琴和王建兵)两人遭遇的政治打压和当下的案情进展。希望民间社群伙伴、各界媒体、和国际社群可以持续关注、支持和声援雪饼二人,促使中国广州警察无条件释放两人。本文档将持续更新(2021.11.27)。 This is an overview of the “0919 Huang&Wang” case (aka the Xuebing Case, an abbreviation of Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing’s first names). It will provide a comprehensive account of the secret arrest of “Xuebing”, as well as the ongoing progress of the case. We hope that friends from civil society community, media, and international community could continue to stay tuned, and support Huang and Wang. We urge the Guangzhou police to release them unconditionally. This document will be continuously updated (by 2021.11.19).

发布于 案件通报

【案件更新】王建兵被拒绝会见和取保候审 #WangJianbing’s Application for Lawyer Visit and Bail DENIED


发布于 案件通报

Huang Xueqin: “How Could a Journalist Keep Silent”

BackgroundHuang Xueqin is a Chinese independent investigation journalist and a feminist activist. She used to work for state-owned media such as News Express(新快报) and Southern Metropolis Weekly(南都...

发布于 媒体报道

【Amnesty International】China: #MeToo journalist and labour activist facing ‘subversion’ charge must be released

Responding to Chinese #MeToo activist Sophia Huang Xueqin and labour activist Wang Jianbing being officially detained under the charge of “inciting subversion of state power”, Amnesty Internationa...


【11/08 Case Updates】9/19 Huang&Wang Detention Watch: Arrest under “inciting subversion of state power” Confirmed, Attorney Representation Denied

On November 5, Wang Jianbing’s family received a “Notice of Arrest” issued by the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, informing that Wang was officially arrested on October 27 on suspicion of “incit...

发布于 案件通报


11月5日,王建兵家属收到了广州市公安局发出的“逮捕通知书”,通知书显示王建兵已于10月27日被广州市公安局以涉嫌“煽动颠覆国家政权”的名义被执行逮捕,现拘留于广州市第一看守所。家属为其委托的律师,迄今无法获得会见。 王建兵家属及委托的律师多次追问关押地点和案件情况,均告无果。10月21日,王建兵家属委托的代理律师与家属一同再次到广州市公安局查询案件,广州市公安局承认王建兵案系由其办理,并...

发布于 案件通报

【突发】王建兵家属收到逮捕通知书 【Breaking】 “Notice of Arrest” JUST Received after 47-day Forcible Disappearance

11月5日,王建兵家属收到广州市公安局发出的“逮捕通知书”,逮捕公函号为特殊的穗公捕通字[2021]X2。该通知书显示王建兵已于10月27日被广州市公安局以涉嫌“煽动颠覆国家政权”的名义被执行逮捕,现拘留于广州市第一看守所。黄雪琴家属也拿到了相关通知。 王建兵和黄雪琴于2021年9月19日被警方强行抓捕后,广州警方以国家安全为由,拒绝通知家属们任何案件程序性信息,也拒绝家属进入王建兵被抄住所...

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【編者按】:本文由端傳媒與NGOCN聲音計劃聯合出品,首發於端傳媒。 黃雪琴,中國獨立調查記者,女權行動者。曾任職《新快報》、《南都週刊》等國有媒體,後辭職成為獨立記者。2018年,她深度參與推動中國#MeToo運動,支持多例個案維權,並發起一系列反性騷擾行動。2019年,她在香港參加反修例遊行並實名發表記錄文章,因此被中國當局以「尋釁滋事罪」刑事拘留,並被採取強制措施「指定地點監視居住」3個月,原定於當年9月入讀港大法學系碩士項目,也因被捕而無法前往。2020年1月17日她被取保候審。2021年秋,黃雪琴獲得英國志奮領獎學金支持,原計劃於9月20日赴薩塞克斯大學(University of Sussex)就讀性別與發展學碩士,卻再次因被捕而無法成行。

发布于 媒体报道

My friend Jianbing

By Lu Yuyu (@darkmamu on Matters) On social media nowadays, I see people disappearing for baseless crimes all the time. Aside from reposting to voice my anger, I don’t have much emotion toward these posts. There are simply so many of them that I am numb by now.

发布于 雪饼的朋友心声

【Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing Arrested 30 Days】Families Remain in Dark, Friends Summoned, Police a “Black Box"

It has been 30 days since Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing were secretly arrested by the Guangzhou police, but neither family nor friends have received information about them. As their friends, we can only speak out for them online. We hope to inform everyone who cares about these two individuals, about Chinese society and about human rights, that they are probably being held under 24-hour surveillance in secret, solitary confinement, and subject to interrogation under torture.

发布于 案件通报

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