Who is Huang Xueqin?

Authors  Lin Yaming & Mai DiutiEditor  Suo LuoshuPhotos   Fang YueTranslator  Human Rights in ChinaOn September 22, 2023, the trial of Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing for “inciting subversion o...

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2022年11月3日,英国中亚、南亚、东非、联合国及联邦事务国务大臣塔里克·艾哈邁德在Twitter发声:Journalist Huang Xueqin was arrested in Sep 2021 before she could begin studies in the UK. She has had no contact with the outside world since....

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Sophia Huang Xueqin is the winner of the 2022 Freedom of Expression Award

Sophia Huang Xueqin is a Chinese activist and journalist and is the winner of the 2022 Freedom of Expression Award in the journalism category Huang Xueqin is an activist and journalist who has wo...

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10月9日华盛顿邮报将全版刊登 #FreeSophiaHuang 声援广告

本周日10月9日,华盛顿邮报将全版刊登 #FreeSophiaHuang 声援广告,要求中国政府立即释放独立记者 #黄雪琴。如果你能够买到报纸,希望你可以拿起雪琴的照片一起合照,并在Twitter @FreeXueBing 分享你的声援!非常感谢大家一起为雪饼争取自由! #FreeSophiaHuang at The Washington Post this Sunday! This ful...

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Xueqin (Sophia) Huang was awarded the IWMF Wallis Annenberg Justice for Women Journalists Award

Having spent her career reporting on injustice and corruption in China – including pioneering the #MeToo movement within her country – Wallis Annenberg Justice for Women Journalists Awardee Xueqin (Sophia) Huang was arrested on September 19, 2021. She remains imprisoned with no contact to her family or lawyers since her arrest.

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【Washington Post】 33 years after Tiananmen, China crushes movements before they can start

Once a week, Chinese activists Sophia Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing gathered friends and acquaintances together, mostly just to talk. In Wang’s single-bedroom apartment in downtown Guangzhou, atte...

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【Amnesty International】China: Activists charged with subversion: Sophia Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing

#MeToo activist Sophia Huang Xueqin and labour activist Wang Jianbing went missing on 19 September 2021. Detained under “inciting subversion of state power”, both of their cases are now with Guangz...

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【BBC报导】黄雪琴和王建兵:“失踪”中国女权记者和劳工维权人面临审判 英国机构被指“无为”

据专家和支持者称,北京当局拘留了一名中国女记者、英国“志奋领”奖学金获得者;事件引发一场关于海外机构是否应有保护中国学者责任的全球大讨论。 2021年9月19日,中国女记者黄雪琴(Sophia Huang Xueqin)和劳工维权人士王建兵“失踪”,当时他们正前往中国南部城市广州机场;黄雪琴准备乘飞机前往英国留学。她获得英国政府奖学金,计划在苏塞克斯大学( University of Su...

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【LAUSAN】Campaigning from the outside: Reflections from two Chinese activists

Interviewer’s note: The campaign to free the feminist activist and journalist Huang Xueqin and the labor campaigner Wang Jianbing has been ongoing since September 2021, when they were both detain...

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联合国最近公布了今年2月发给中国政府的信件,对人权捍卫者 #王建兵 #郭飞雄 和 #唐吉田 被剥夺自由表示关注并要求政府提供更多信息。信件还追问了去年4月的信件中提到的多起维权人士被迫害的案件,包括高智晟、李翘楚、许志永、丁家喜、常玮平和覃永沛。 以下为联合国信件全文,我们将其中提到王建兵的部分加粗表示。

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