呼吁释放黄雪琴、王建兵,英国大学及学院工会(UCU)发起联署!UK’s University and College Union (UCU), are calling on the Chinese authorities to release without delay Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing

联署网址:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfWshZFjBN5Qyn9TCEaRDS2HfTZV2o6JPWAA-vFjb1VVCemtg/viewform 联署信全文如下: Free Huang Xueqin and Wang Jianbing! We, members of the UK’s University and Colleg...


【新聞稿】英國Chevening志奮領獎學金社群全球連署聲援「0919雪餅案」 [Press Release] U.K. Chevening Scholarship Community Signed a Global Letter of Support for the 0919 Xuebing Case

主旨:2021年國際人權日前夕,英國Chevening志奮領獎學金社群,發布全球連署成果,聲援失聯的中國女權記者黃雪琴與職業病權益倡導者王建兵(又稱:「0919雪餅案」)。 Right before the 2021 International Human Rights Day, the community of UK’s Chevening Scholarship Alumni relea...

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