煎饼(王建兵)释放倒计时7天 Wang Jianbing is to be released in 7 days!

#煎饼回家 倒计时7天。历经3年6个月整,雪饼案中劳工行动者煎饼(王建兵)即将于本月18日出狱,而黄雪琴仍有1年半刑期。临近出狱,监狱不再允许律师会见煎饼,并告知家属不允许前来接送,警方将直接“送”煎饼回户籍所在地甘肃天水。我们将密切关注煎饼出狱情况,煎饼必须安全、自由、健康地回到家!



#WangJianbing of #XueBing is to be RELEASED in 7 days, on March 18, after 3 years and 6 months in jail, while #HuangXueqin still has 1.5 years left to serve. As his release nears, the prison is no longer allowing lawyers to meet with him and has told his family that they will not be allowed to pick him up & celebrate his freedom. Instead, national security police will “send” Wang directly back to Tianshui, Gansu, Wang’s hometown. The supporting team will closely monitor the release situations of Wang. We demand he be returned home safe, free, and in good health!

Wang was sentenced to 3.5 years in prison, deprived of his political rights for additional 3 years, confiscated CN¥ 100,000 of personal savings and fined CN¥50,000. This means that not only will Wang face a severe livelihood crisis when he is released from prison, but also because of the deprivation of political rights, the authorities may abuse their power to further unlawfully install endless surveillance and even restrict his personal freedom. We will not tolerate the occurrence of such illegal behavior, and it is imperative that Wang can enjoy full freedom!

Again, the #XueBing case is an extremely malicious political suppression against youth activists, attempting to erase the traces of activism, silence the voices of resistance, and to stigmatize XueBing’s efforts to rebuild the activism community with political charges. On the contrary, over the past 3-year long trial, we have witnessed the resilience of XueBing and felt the resilience of the activist community, despite the difficulty to connect with them. The #XueBing case is not a repudiation of Huang and Wang, but a spark for future resistance.

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