雪饼案违法不开庭审理 二审遭秘密宣判 XueBing Case:Illegal Handling Without Hearing, Secret Verdict in Second Trial

重要突发 雪饼案二审已被已被违法秘密宣判,雪饼两人律师未被告知。今日获知,黄雪琴 王建兵 两人“煽动颠覆国家政权”一案已被 广东省高级人民法院 秘密宣判,维持原判,并已经将判决文书于9/12传达给雪饼二人,但辩护律师均未收到法院任何通知和文件,更不知法院竟已偷偷书面宣判,变相剥夺辩护权。

本月初,雪饼 律师便已收到广东高院告知,二审拟书面审理。尽管律师一再提出一审判决中存在严重的错误,未排除非法证据,且对两人财物罚没理据不足;但高院欲快速结案,拒绝和拖诿公开开庭的请求,并要求律师尽快提交辩护意见。如今在律师毫不知情的情形之下,高院秘密下判,严重剥夺和损害辩护权。


黄雪琴 在今日的会见中表示,“我认为法律的判决至少应当是客观公正,基于事实的,但这一份判决里,不仅罔顾事实,而且恶意揣测,故意误解曲解,颠倒黑白,甚至自相矛盾,这是一份违背客观事实的,不公且不义的判决,我不服!”,她表示将控告到底。“我相信有一天,真相真实和公义会显现出来。”

我们呼吁外界严厉谴责 雪饼案 这一不公的秘密宣判!

BreakingNews The second trial of XueBing was illegally concluded in secret by the Higher Court of Guangdong Province, and none of the lawyers were informed. The Higher Court arbitrarily upheld the original verdict and delivered the final verdict to XueBing on 9/12. However the lawyers have not received any notice or documents from the court before today, and are completely unaware that the court has secretly issued the final verdict in writing, depriving them of the right to defense in disguise.

Earlier this month, #XueBing’s lawyers were told that the second trial would be conducted in writing. The lawyers repeatedly pointed out that there was serious injustice in the first trial, such as the failure to exclude illegal evidence and the lack of a reasonable basis for confiscating property. The Higher Court, however, eager to conclude the case quickly, denied request for a public hearing and asked lawyers to submit their defense ASAP. without informing the lawyers, the Higher Court issued the verdict in secret, depriving and violating the right to defense.

In addition, the Higher Court’s illegal secret verdict violates China’s Criminal Procedure Law & relevant judicial interpretations to protect the rights of defendants to be informed and defend themselves, and is a serious procedural violation.

The lawyers have announced that they will resolutely sue for procedural violations. At the meeting with her lawyer today, HuangXueqin also said that this verdict is unjust and she will appeal to the end. We CALL on the public to strongly CONDEMN this unjust & secret verdict in the XueBing case!


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