
Call for Equal-Handed Coverage on #XueBing



We have observed that most media coverage and statements predominantly focuses on #HuangXueqin, while #WangJianbing, the low-profile labor activist, involved in the same case, is often only briefly mentioned or overlooked entirely.
We regret this uneven coverage of the #XueBing case and, as friends of both #HuangXueqin and #WangJianbing, call on the media and organizations to provide even-handed coverage of the two, both of whom have faced unjust and severe punishments.
A key political reason behind the #XueBing case was the weekly gatherings initially organized by labor activist #WangJianbing at his apartment. Having witnessed repression in civil society for years, Wang believed it was essential to reunite people, rebuild connections & networks in civil society, and provide mutual support among young activists during the challenging times. He hoped to reestablish connections and explore new forms of activism.

Both Wang and Huang played crucial roles in attempting to rebuild civil society in Guangzhou and deserve equally respectful coverage.

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