【案件更新】雪饼案将于6月14日开庭宣判 Verdict will be announced on June 14

雪饼案最新消息:从家属获知,女权活动家黄雪琴和劳工行动者王建兵“煽动颠覆国家政权”一案将于本周五6月14日上午10时在广州市中级人民法院 开庭宣判,两人或将面临严重刑罚。雪饼遭警方任意羁押即将届满1000天,合法权益一直无法保障,历经闭门审判,这将是一个极为荒谬的恶意判决。请关注!






我们邀请大家继续为雪饼留言,用文字传递对雪饼的支持和爱: https://padlet.com/freexqjb/love-for-xuebing-nxu526duh8hjm6y

Breaking: Verdict will be announced. The sentences for feminist activist HuangXueqin and labor activist WangJianbing, accused of “inciting subversion of state power”, will be announced on 10 am, June 14, 2024 at Guangzhou Intermediate Court. They could face severe penalties.

Since Sept. 19, 2021, XueBing have been detained for nearly 1000 days with most of their legal rights repeatedly violated. The two faced their first trial on Sept. 22, 2023, 2 years after their arbitrary detention, amidst tight security. Despite claiming an open trial, no public attendance was allowed by the authorities.

In court, the two denied any wrongdoing. WangJianbing emphasized his sincere sympathy on migrant workers with occupational disease, while HuangXueqin stressed her commitment to reporting true social issues and defending women’s rights. This would be an absurd & malicious verdict!

On the trial of Sept. 22, 2023, WangJianbing concluded: “I state that my activism doesn’t intend to subvert state power, nor do I want to incite subversion of state power. What I care about is the social issues concerning migrant workers with occupational diseases.”

And, HuangXueqin concluded: “As a journalist, I cannot remain silent. I always know that I’m not safe & will face such a situation sooner or later, but I am willing to bear the political consequences.”

HuangXueqin reiterated that, “The articles I wrote and the interviews I conducted were all factual social phenomena. I did not distort the facts, nor did I use them to attack the government. Everything I do is not to incite subversion of state power…”

XueBing’s efforts and dedication to labor, women’s rights, and the broader civil society won’t be negated by this unjust trial, nor will society forget their contributions. On the contrary, as oppression persists and injustice grows, more activists like XueBing will continue to rise. We invite everyone to leave messages for them, expressing support & love here:


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